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Matcha Superior (Japanese Green Tea)

Matcha Superior (Japanese Green Tea)

Regular price $1.25 CAD
Regular price Sale price $1.25 CAD
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Available 40g in a tin or 40g refill bag. You can choose by clicking the size box above.

An amazing tea. A perfect balance between aroma, taste, and vision (the three quality characteristics sought after in a tea). Matcha comes from the buds of young leaves, and from plants that are a minimum of 20 years old. The tea is deveined and then ground into an ultrafine powder.
Our Matcha is suitable for the traditional tea ceremony to make Koi-cha (thick tea) and Usu-cha (thin tea).

The tea leaf is insoluble, Matcha, in essence, allows you to consume the whole leaf and absorb minerals, fibers, and vitamins not found in regular green tea.
Add a little to Sencha leaf teas for an added health benefit or use it for cooking or making treats like green tea ice cream.

Ingredients: Green Tea
Tea(s) From: Japan
Grade: Superior (First flush)

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